[One way]

Im on my way to my bf, but have to make a stop to change train, aaand next train is late :(
So boring!
I downloaded one drama episode last night (i always stream) but finnished it already, buh!

Not sure what we will do this weekend, take it chill i hope!
Ive been working like crazy this weekend and need to rest my brain xD

Giving you a rather old, uncute picture of me~!
This look didnt last long, but it was fun!

Like my new style waaaaaaaaay much more!

Postat av: wave♪

OMG were you visual?! Or does it just look more like visual-kei from upside down?

New style is uber cute~! ♥

2011-04-16 @ 17:52:52
URL: http://unwaveringly.blogspot.com/

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